
Quake 4 marines
Quake 4 marines

quake 4 marines

Or I suppose there's always youtube if you want to go and spoil it all. HOW WILL MATTHEW KANE ESCAPE THIS NEFARIOUS STROGG DEATH TRAP? Well I guess you'll have to play it for yourself to find out as I'm turning this off now. Though at least I can finally see my legs. Nope, my other plan didn't work out so well either. I like the shine on the bare metal where the paint has worn away, it makes the Doom 3 armour look kind of plasticy by comparison. I had assumed the games were practically identical in visual quality, but it seems that Corporal Brandt here has sharper, more realistic textures than Sergeant Kelly does over in Mars City. Here's a direct comparison between the marines in Doom 3 and the ones in Quake 4, because everyone likes comparing things with other things. The only path here for me to take brings me on a tour past engineers struggling to keep the ageing ship functioning, scientists trying to examine Strogg corpses, and marines off duty in the mess hall telling the tale of how Kane is actually famous for being the sole survivor of a Strogg assault on Space Station Armstrong (which sounds like it should have taken place in an earlier game, but didn't.) And then there's ships like the USS Hannibal here, which is laid out like a linear first person shooter level and nothing makes any sense. There's two types of spaceships in video games: there's the Normandy/Ebon Hawk style where everything is laid out sensibly like a real ship, and you're able to explore it. (Click the images to view them in a larger resolution.) called Wolfenstein.)Īnyway I've played (and finished) the game once before, but thanks to my superpower of being able to completely forget pretty much anything and everything (aside from bad pop songs and 16-bit game tunes), it'll be just like I'm seeing it all for the first time! But not Return to Castle Wolfenstein, that was actually someone else (though Raven did make the next Wolfenstein game.

quake 4 marines

The game came out a year after Doom 3 and is built on the same engine, but it was actually developed by id's sidekick Raven Software, who've used id's tech in the past to bring the world first person shooters like Heretic, Soldier of Fortune and Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force. Though it should really be called Quake II-2, as it breaks the series' long tradition of each game having basically nothing to do with each other, and instead continues the tale of Quake II. Today, at last, I'm taking a quick look at the first few hours of Quake 4.

Quake 4 marines